Exciting news! I am an authorized agent for Heathcare.gov, the ACA health insurance marketplace. Did you hear? The current administration has EXTENDED the health insurance marketplace open enrollment period: now you have from November 1st until January 15 to enroll!
Known by many names (Obamacare, ACA, Affordable Care Act), no matter what you call it, it's the best shot anyone has for getting fully compliant health insurance if they are under 65 years of age and don't have group health coverage through an employer. For many people this means getting health insurance without any pre-existing conditions exclusions and also getting advance premium tax credits to help pay their monthly premiums. Even better, with the passing of recent legislation, the premium tax credits are more generous than ever, bringing healthcare in range for many more Americans.
If you know anyone looking for assistance with getting covered through Healthcare.gov, I'd be grateful for those referrals. Navigating the site, setting up a new account, applying for the premium tax credits, and so on can be quite daunting. My job is to make it happen as smoothly as possible and get the best premium tax credit available. I look forward to treating your treasured clients, family and friends right. Contact me here for addition information.